Why Is My Park Key Grayed Out?

Why Is My Park Key Grayed Out?

  1. Login as the admin.

  2. Go into Setup > Manage > modify the extension (yellow pencil) > click on Permissions Tab > click blue arrow for Use Digium Phone Apps > Parked Calls (set it to No if it is set to Yes). Save SIP Extension.

  3. Next, go back into Setup > Manage > modify the extension (yellow pencil) click on Permissions Tab > click blue arrow for Use Digium Phone Apps > Parked Calls (set it to Yes). Save SIP Extension.

  4. If the phone doesn’t reconfigure, reboot the phone. The Park button should now be activated.


If this doesn’t resolve the issue, then you may have a problem on your network with allowing traffic over port 443 TCP. This is usually the case if the phone is on a different subnet from the Switchvox server, or it is a remote phone coming from another network. Check your firewall to verify that traffic is allowed over 443 TCP to the Switchvox server.
Another troubleshooting tip is to Allow Insecure SSL on the extension settings. Go to Setup > Extensions > Manage > click pencil icon for the extension > select Phone Settings tab > Advanced Phone Options > SIP Settings: Allow Insecure SSL, set to YES. Save SIP Extension. This can be bulk modified. Setup->Extensions:Manage > Bulk-Modify Extensions > Add extensions > Phone settings tab > Field to modify > Allow Insecure SSL:Yes > Save Modifications


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