How to Assign an Extension to an IVR

How to Assign an Extension to an IVR

Once you've created an IVR you'll need to assign it to a given extension in order to route to it using call rules. You can follow the below steps to assign the extension:

  1. While logged in as an administrator, navigate to Setup-Extensions-Manage.

  2. Click the Create Extension button.

  3. For Extension Type, choose IVR.

  4. Click the Create Extension button.

  5. Now assign the IVR a valid extension number in the Extension box.

  6. Choose the IVR you would like to assign the extension number to from the Route to IVR Menu list.

  7. Leave the IVR Menu Entry Point at IVR Menu Beginning, unless you need to change it.

  8. Click Save IVR Extension.

You can assign an IVR multiple extensions if needed by following the same steps above and entering a different extension in step 5.

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