How to run a packet capture

How to run a packet capture

One of the greatest tools Switchvox has for diagnosing call quality or connection issues is the packet capture. When Switchvox support requests a packet capture to troubleshoot an issue follow the steps below to gather it:

  1. Navigate to Server>Diagnostics>Advanced Debugging

  2. Select Start Debugging Session

  3. Select Packet Capture

  4. Set the Duration for any time up to one hour***

  5. For most Packet captures Capture Only SIP Packets should be set to No

  6. Select Begin Debugging Session

  7. When providing a packet capture of a specific call, please provide any information regarding the call (calling number, called number, time/date etc) to better facilitate the troubleshooting.



  • As a rule of thumb, we suggest not running packet captures for longer than 1-2 hours at at time.

  • We suggest, in most cases, capturing all traffic, not just SIP.

  • The time suggestion is dependent on many factors, such as call volume, network traffic, etc.

  • The smaller the packet capture is the easier it will be to diagnose.

  • If you can easily duplicate, we suggest starting the capture, duplicating the issue immediately, when done, stop the capture.

  • If the issue is very intermittent and you feel the need to run a packet capture longer than the above recommendations, you will need to use the
    feature: Upload debug file to external FTP server.

  • We recommend your FTP server is on your local network as it will offload the packet capture in segments of 100MB each, which, over the public internet could result in transferring issues.

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