Can't make outbound calls over PRI

Can't make outbound calls over PRI

Unable to Make Outbound Calls Over PRI

If you're experiencing a problem with not being able to make outbound calls. One of your first steps should be to take and examine a PRI Debug using the steps included in How Do I Run a PRI Debug? If the Debug shows repeated SABME (set asynchronous balance mode extended) messages, this is an indication that the System is attempting to reach the provider but not getting a response. There is one setting to verify on Switchvox:

  • Navigate to Setup -> Channel Groups -> Modify PRI B-Channel Group -> Secondary Device Type. This should be set to PRI (Primary Rate ISDN) CPE Side, NOT PRI (Primary Rate ISDN) Network Side.

If this setting is properly set and you are still unable to call outbound. You will need to contact your provider and advise them that you are not getting a response from their equipment. 


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