All SIP traffic stops processing

All SIP traffic stops processing

SWVX-12681 All SIP traffic stops processing

Validation Date: 10/30/2017
Affects Version: 6.5.2 - 6.7
Resolved Version: 6.7.1

Description: After updating to 6.5.2 some users are experiencing issues where all calls and phone registration traffic stops processing on the Switchvox. The web GUI is still accessible, and a software restart is required to restore function. This can be caused by a threading issue in the base software of Switchvox, and is more likely to happen the more phone registration traffic is occurring on the system. 

Workaround: Under Server -> Networking -> Phone Networks -> Modify -> Advanced Settings -> Primary Host (PBX) you can increase the Seconds until Re-Registration setting to 300, decreasing the frequency of registration traffic to mitigate the issue. A software restart may be performed to restore functionality temporarily. 

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