Converging across peer without prefix

Converging across peer without prefix

In Switchvox software version 6.5.2 and below, converging phones is a useful way to keep track of calls and make sure you are always available no matter where you are. When configuring a converged phone across a peer though you may experience some problems where the converged phone never rings to be configured. This is caused by Switchvox believing that the call is meant to be for an extension on the local system instead of the peer.

In order to work around this issue, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Setup>Call Routing>Outgoing calls

  2. Click Create Outgoing Call Rule

  3. Set the rule to begin with a digit (This can be any digit you would like. For this example lets use '5'), The rest of the number must be between 3 and 3 digits in length. Before connecting the call, trim 1 digits from the front, and then prepend the digits blank to the number.

  4. Set the Primary Call Through Provider to your Peer

  5. Allow all existing extensions to use this rule? Yes

  6. Save the Rule

Now, when converging the phone, enter the extension number prepended by a 5 and Switchvox will route the authorization call properly.

Note: This only works in version 6.5.2 and below. As of 6.6+, there is no longer a converged phone feature as it was replaced with the additional phone feature. 

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