I can't barge another person's call
Barging is a configurable permission within HUD under Professional Edition and Call Center Edition.
In order to configure a permission, first decide who in your company should be able to use barge, and determine who should be "bargeable" aka the target of the barge action.
The image below shows the basic configuration for Barge and step-by-step instructions follow.
Click on Extensions --> groups
Either select an existing group or create a new group
Under Group Users, add all of the individuals who should be able to use the Barge function
Under Group Permissions, add the HUD -- Barge permission to the right column by selecting it from the list and clicking Add
Within the Group Permissions section, under Current Groups, select the group of individuals who should be "bargeable". All of the members of the group you select will be bargeable by the individuals you selected under Group Users. It is possible to use the group you are configuring AS the target of the same group. In other words, you can edit Basic Human Rights (BHR) and select the BHR group under Current Groups. This means that all the members of BHR can use the permissions you assign over members in their own group!
Click Update Group
Login to HUD as one of the users you listed under Group Users
Right-click on any other individual in the company who is on the phone and a member of the group you chose under Current Groups. Select Barge from the right-click menu.