How Do I Use the Mobile Softphone Settings?
The Switchvox Admin Suite has system-wide settings for anyone using the Sangoma Connect Mobile app.
User can find these settings within Setup → Extensions → Settings → Sangoma Talk Mobile Settings as shared below:
These settings consist of:
Emergency Numbers
List each number separated by a comma. This defines the number(s) that will be dialed using the mobile phone's native phone app. When one of these numbers is dialed, the call is not placed using the Sangoma Connect Mobile app, it’s placed using the mobile phone’s native phone app.
Refresh Connection to Sangoma Cloud
You should not need to use this button unless directed by a Sangoma Technical Support representative. This deletes all Sangoma Connect Mobile configurations, and each person will need a new invitation email to reconfigure their app. They can generate this email by opening Sangoma Connect Mobile, and entering the email address associated with their Switchvox extension.
Communications with Switchvox
If you do not enter any settings here, Sangoma Connect Mobile will use the settings defined for the extension, and in Phone Network.
Always Disable ICE
Disable ICE for Sangoma Connect Mobile apps, regardless of the ICE setting in the IP Configuration page.NAT Traversal Settings
NET Traversal Setting is only valid if Disable ICE is set to YES. This will set the NAT settings for the Sangoma Connect Mobile App, regardless of the NAT settings as present in the IP Configuration Page.Users can either disable the NAT Traversal Setting for the Sangoma Connect Mobile App by Setting it to No, or can leave it default i.e. auto to allow the App to automatically select the NAT Traversal.
Hostname, Port, and SIP Transport; Outbound Proxy Hostname, Port, and SIP Transport
Use these fields to indicate how Sangoma Connect Mobile should reach a Session Border Controller in front of Switchvox.