Switchvox Appliances that Support Version 8.0

Switchvox Appliances that Support Version 8.0

See also: Updating to Switchvox 8.0.1 .

Version 8.x of Switchvox is supported on virtual environments and on the following Switchvox appliance models:

  • E510 (See Note)

  • E520, E525

  • E530, E535

  • E540, E545

Due to a variety of computer limitations, including BIOS, memory, and processor, many older model appliances and third-party hardwares may not be able to properly load and run Switchvox 8.0. If you are not operating Switchvox on a known-supported-for-8.x system, Sangoma recommends that you perform a system backup and have your installation media available if you need to reinstall should you find that Switchvox 8.0 does not boot and run properly on your system.

Switchvox 8.x is also supported for virtual environments VMware and HyperV. See Can I use Switchvox in a Virtualized Environment?

Note: While the e510 is a supported appliance on Switchvox version 8.0, there may be circumstances where its memory would need to be upgraded to optimally perform with 8.0.  Please contact support for questions regarding memory upgrades.

Older Switchvox Appliances

Older Switchvox appliances are not supported for version 8.0.

While version 8.0 may run on older Switchvox appliances, it is not supported for any level of performance, and some appliances may not run version 8.0 at all. 

If your older Switchvox appliance boots in UEFI and does not start up after an update to 8.0, you may be able to change that and run version 8.0. 

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